Young Toddler Room
12 to 24 months
We offer 3,4 and 5 day per week programs.
The current rate is $34 per day with the weekly pay scale being as follows:
$170 for 5 days
$136 for 4 days
$102 for 3 days
In the young toddler room the children are starting to learn about themselves and others. We stress the importance of language development and social skills to support early peer relationships. Our young toddlers also receive plenty of gross motor play as well as the beginnings of fine motor activities in a safe and child friendly setting. Young toddlers enjoy outdoor play, coloring time, puzzle time, and circle time. Circle time includes activities that reinforce ABC’s and 123’s, colors and shapes, as well as story time and music and movement. The staff to young toddler ratio is 1:5.
What is provided by Kids Kingdom:
-Pack-n-Plays or mats for nap
-Blankets and sheets
What is provided by our parents:
-Breakfast, Lunch
-Sippy Cups
-Extra Clothes
-Diaper Rash Cream